DBB Pitcher Eligibility

2022 Majors

2025 Pitcher Eligibility

2025 Tournament Pitcher Eligibility Form (See Local League & Tournament Rules)



 8:01— (Regular Season Only) Players on a regular season team may pitch in any game during the regular season subject to the following limitations. (30/40 HOUR RULE). Note: *An innings rule is added. For the purpose of satisfying the requirement of Rule 8:90 (Regular Season Only) the throwing of one pitch in any inning constitutes having pitched a complete inning.

 8.90—A pitcher shall not be allowed to pitch in more than eight (8) innings in any one calendar week.

(a) Players on a regular season team may pitch in any game during the regular season subject to the following limitations.

(b) DB: A pitcher shall not throw more than 95 pitches in the same game or on the same day.

15U/DM: A pitcher shall not throw more than 105 pitches in the same game or on the same day.

Exception: If the pitcher reaches the pitch count limit while facing a batter, he may continue to pitch until the batter reaches base safely or is put out.

(c) A pitcher after throwing more than 60 pitches in one game or on the same day shall have a minimum of forty (40) hours rest before becoming eligible to pitch in another game. The rest period begins when pitcher leaves the mound.

(d) A pitcher after having thrown more than 30 but less than 61 pitches in the same game or on the same day shall have a minimum of thirty (30) hours rest before becoming eligible to pitch in another game. The rest period shall begin when pitcher leaves the mound.

 8.91—A pitcher is charged with the number of pitches hurled as well as the innings pitched in a specific calendar week, regardless of whether they are local league games, the resumption of suspended games, exhibition games, or games ruled “no contest” due to being called. A calendar week is from 12:01 a.m. Monday to 12:00 midnight the following Sunday.

 8.92—If a game is interrupted for any reason before becoming official, and is suspended, the same pitcher may continue when play is resumed, provided he is eligible by the rest rule and has not used up his total allotted innings per calendar week. League official should consider the (30/40) hour rest period when rescheduling the completion of a suspended game.

NOTE: Innings pitched in the suspended and resumed portions of a suspended game shall not be added in order to disqualify a player from pitching.

 8.93—Entering the ball game as a pitcher shall constitute having pitched one inning.

NOTE: Local league pitching rules 8:94 through 8:99 remain the same and are found in the official rules.