DBB Seasonal Information

2024 DBB Majors World Series Champions(1)

I.   Franchise Deadline: May 15th each year (National and State fees - $30.00 each)

II.  League Materials: All forms available on website at www.dbbusa.org

III. Rulebooks: Available from State Directors and DBB National Office

IV. Scholarship Program: Eleven National Scholarships awarded each year (Application must be post marked by April 1st)

V.  DBB Alumni Program Available: $25.00 annual fee to join

VI. Age Control Date: A 13 year old that turns 13 after May 1st the previous year and before April 1st the current year is eligible to participate, at the upper end of our age groups, a 19 year old that had his 19th birthday, on/after August 1st the previous year is eligible to participate.  No player that will turn age 20 before August 1st the current year is allowed to participate in the program at any time!  The age control dates are in the rulebook and on the website.